Dracula Issue 1 English

Dracula Issue 1 English (BullsEye Press)

Rs. 213.00

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This story plunges into the blood-soaked pages of Indian history, where the Macedonian army’s ruthless invasion leaves the land drenched in crimson. Under Paurav's command, Porus and his warriors fight with ferocious bravery, but fate deals a cruel blow, forcing Porus into a bitter defeat. Struck by Porus's unmatched valor, Alexander returns his kingdom, yet the fire of subjugation scorches Porus's soul. Suddenly, a mysterious stranger storms into his life, turning his world into a nightmare. Who is this dark figure? What sinister connection does Dracula have to Indian history? Unveil this macabre and thrilling saga to find out!
This story plunges into the blood-soaked pages of Indian history, where the Macedonian army’s ruthless invasion leaves the land drenched in crimson. Under Paurav's command, Porus and his warriors fight with ferocious bravery, but fate deals a cruel blow, forcing Porus into a bitter defeat. Struck by Porus's unmatched valor, Alexander returns his kingdom, yet the fire of subjugation scorches Porus's soul. Suddenly, a mysterious stranger storms into his life, turning his world into a nightmare. Who is this dark figure? What sinister connection does Dracula have to Indian history? Unveil this macabre and thrilling saga to find out!

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characters: Dracula

publisher: BullsEye Press

publishing house: BullsEye Press

pages: 32

publish status: Published

genre: Horror

format: Paperback

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