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Beyond time and space, the story of a clash between two great warriors of equal power that will change both the past and the future. The loser in this conflict will merge forever in the infinite universe and the winner will be called Takshak.
Beyond time and space, the story of a clash between two great warriors of equal power that will change both the past and the future. The loser in this conflict will merge forever in the infinite universe and the winner will be called Takshak.
समय और काल से परे, दो समान शक्ति वाले महायोद्धाओं के टकराव की कहानी जोकि भूत और भविष्य दोनों को बदल देंगी। इस टकराव मे हारने वाला सदा के लिए अनंत समयगंगा मे विलीन हो जाएगा और जीतने वाला कहलाएगा.. तक्षक

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Super Squad Benefit


characters: Nagraj

publisher: RCSG

publishing house: Raj Comics

pages: 80

publish status: Published

genre: Action, Fantasy

format: Paperback

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