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A child, a small child, is going to become the dictator of the world by making the whole world bow at his feet. But where did he get this power from? Where did he get weapons like tanks and planes? And where did he get an army that works on his orders? A big secret is hidden somewhere. A secret buried in someone's soul. And this special issue of Nagraj and Dhruv, Tanasah, has come to reveal this secret.
A child, a small child, is going to become the dictator of the world by making the whole world bow at his feet. But where did he get this power from? Where did he get weapons like tanks and planes? And where did he get an army that works on his orders? A big secret is hidden somewhere. A secret buried in someone's soul. And this special issue of Nagraj and Dhruv, Tanasah, has come to reveal this secret.
एक बच्चा , एक छोटा सा बच्चा, दुनिया भर को अपने क़दमों में झुकाकर बनने जा रहा है दुनिया का तानाशाह। लेकिन यह शक्ति उसमे आयी कहाँ से? उसे टैंक और विमान जैसे हथियार मिले कहाँ से ? और इशारों पर काम करने वाली सेना उसे मिली कहाँ से ? कहीं पर छुपा हुआ है कोई बहुत बड़ा रहस्य। किसी की आत्मा मैं दबा रहस्य। और इसी रहस्य का खुलासा करने आया है , नागराज और ध्रुव का ये विशेषांक - तानाशाह।

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Super Squad Benefit


characters: Nagraj, Super Commando Dhruva

publisher: RCMG

publishing house: Raj Comics

pages: 96

publish status: Published

genre: Action, Fantasy

format: Paperback

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