The Last Asuran Vol. 3: W.O.M.E. Stage 1 – Blood of the Last Asuran

The Last Asuran Vol. 3: W.O.M.E. Stage 1 – Blood of the Last Asuran (Holy Cow Entertainment)

Rs. 719.00

MRP: Rs. 799.00

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Weapons of Mass Extinction is a 4-part ultraviolent John Carpenter-influenced exploitation epic that will test the will, guts, and might of the Asuran like never before as catastrophic truths about his destiny begin to tumble out of the woodwork. As his murky legacy and ominous destiny hurtle towards a head-on collision, the fate of the world will be at stake.

Weapons of Mass Extinction is a 4-part ultraviolent John Carpenter-influenced exploitation epic that will test the will, guts, and might of the Asuran like never before as catastrophic truths about his destiny begin to tumble out of the woodwork. As his murky legacy and ominous destiny hurtle towards a head-on collision, the fate of the world will be at stake.

वेपन्स ऑफ मास एक्सटिंक्शन एक 4-भाग का अति-हिंसक जॉन कारपेंटर-प्रभावित शोषण महाकाव्य है जो असुरन की इच्छाशक्ति, हिम्मत और शक्ति का पहले कभी न देखी गई तरह से परीक्षण करेगा क्योंकि उसके भाग्य के बारे में भयावह सत्य सामने आने लगते हैं। जैसे-जैसे उसकी धुंधली विरासत और अशुभ नियति आमने-सामने टकराव की ओर बढ़ती है, दुनिया का भाग्य दांव पर लग जाएगा।

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Super Squad Benefit


characters: Desh

publisher: Holy Cow Entertainment

publishing house: Holy Cow Entertainment

pages: 80

publish status: Published

genre: Action/Fantasy

format: Paperback

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