Kachra Peti

Kachra Peti (RCSG)

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Mumbai's protector who solved the biggest problems with brute force can't control his emotions anymore. What happened today that he got down on his knees and screamed? What was written on the face of that innocent child, what bloody story did Doga read on his injured body that once again that stinking garbage box made him angry. To know more, read Doga's new story Kachra Peti from Raj comics.
Mumbai's protector who solved the biggest problems with brute force can't control his emotions anymore. What happened today that he got down on his knees and screamed? What was written on the face of that innocent child, what bloody story did Doga read on his injured body that once again that stinking garbage box made him angry. To know more, read Doga's new story Kachra Peti from Raj comics.
जिस बारूद पुत्र ने बड़ी से बड़ी समस्या के घुटने तोड़ दिए, आज ऐसा क्या हुआ की वह घुटने टेक कर चिल्ला उठा ? क्या लिखा था उस मासूम बच्चे के चेहरे पर, वह कौन सी रक्त्कथा पढ़ ली थी डोगा के उसके घायल जिस्म पर की एक बार फिर उसे आक्रोशित कर गयी वह बदबूदार कचरा पेटी। जानने के लिए पढ़ें राज कॉमिक्स मैं डोगा की नयी कहानी कचरा पेटी।

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characters: Doga

publisher: RCSG

publishing house: Raj Comics

pages: 32

publish status: Published

genre: Action

format: Paperback

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